Jordan Jones Legacy - A Mother's Farewell

Jordan's last days were the toughest of all with so much pain and suffering, yet he continued to try and be present for Jeff, Breanna and myself. Just 3 days ago on our walk, he was the one consoling me and said he'd always be here for me no matter what. He said that because of our story, and his pain and suffering, we have touched millions of lives and have saved many, and will continue to do so for a thousand years. His exact words. . . To know my son, is to love him! We have all learned so much from Jordan on how to live with such great passion for life, strength and deep, deep compassion for others, and most importantly, to LOVE!! 

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Announcing TCAF Caregiver and Co-Survivor Blogger Alexia Karanikas

Today is a very special day. Not only does today mark the start of Testicular Cancer Awareness Month, but my husband, Nate, and I are also celebrating a huge milestone. He is officially two years cancer free! Considering that the majority of relapses occur in the first two years, this is a moment we have cautiously awaited for the last 731 days. I feel so grateful to TCAF founder, Kim Jones, for the opportunity to write my first blog in support of all past and present testicular cancer patients and caregivers during such a monumental moment in our lives.

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Mental Health and Cancer: You are Never Alone

Take a look at the word cloud above. These words, all of them, spoken by people who have faced testicular cancer, used to describe what their experience was like. Take a moment to go through them and see how many you can identify. Chances are people who have faced cancer of any kind can relate to a lot of those words.

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Low T and Me: What You Need to Know

There is a lot of information thrown at new patients when they are diagnosed with testicular cancer. Aside from the emotional toll that a diagnosis can take, there is understanding surgeries, treatments, appointments, and more. Even though it can be a lot to take in, comprehend, and process, there are still things that a lot of oncologists don't discuss about treatment for testicular cancer. One of the more pressing issues a man can end up facing after treatment is low testosterone. Too often, it is not discussed by the doctors, and many men face the challenges that  can be presented by "Low T".

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