Cause Marketing Partnership  

Cause marketing is a collaboration between a nonprofit and a for-profit organization centered around supporting a shared cause. Cause marketing benefits everyone involved - the nonprofit, the for-profit and the consumer. It is an effective way to increase funding, brand awareness, and make an impact in a shared mission. Consumers love seeing companies participate in cause marketing and seek to support companies that positively impact their communities.   

Why partner with Testicular Cancer Awareness Foundation? Testicular Cancer Awareness Foundation is dedicated to raise awareness and educate the public about the most common form of cancer in men ages 15-44 and provide lifesaving valuable support for patients, survivors and caregivers.

Thank you for your interest in partnering with the Testicular Cancer Awareness Foundation.  Below is information to help you determine if a cause marketing partnership with TCAF will meet your business objectives. 

*Please review the following carefully before completing the cause marketing partnership application. 

Logo, Name, Materials:

Written permission is required for the use of TCAF’s logos, name and/or materials.

Criteria for Businesses Seeking Partnership with TCAF:

A minimum of one year in business is required for seeking a partnership. We may make an exception if you have been in business less than a year depending on the nature of your company. 


  1. Although TCAF is the beneficiary of proceeds through its partnerships, we have no ability to sell or distribute products for our partners. TCAF may publicly acknowledge its corporate partners, but because of our non-profit status, we cannot advertise or promote our partners' products or services.

  2. TCAF will not agree to sell, loan or distribute its mailing list or email addresses to third parties.

  3. TCAF will not be affiliated with any products or packaging containing the Proposition 65 warning label or any language pertaining to an increased risk of cancer.

Testicular Cancer and Testicular Health Education:

In connection with all cause marketing partnerships benefiting TCAF, we ask partners to help us raise awareness and educate the public about testicular health and testicular cancer.  We ask all partners to publish TCAF's website on all partner promotions, events, marketing packaging and related advertising materials.

Best Practices:

Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman implemented charitable cause marketing best practices. These standards are in place to give consumers better information and a clearer understanding of how their donations support TCAF’s programs. We work closely with our partners to ensure all cause marketing programs meet these standards, and all program details are transparent to consumers. 

Please download and read this list of Five Best Practices for Transparent Cause Marketing from the Attorney General.

Disclosure Regulations:

Cause marketing partnerships that benefit TCAF are regulated by the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance Standards for Charity Accountability as well as by applicable state commercial co-venture laws. This requires both the nonprofit and for-profit organizations to clearly disclose how the charity benefits from the sale of products or services.

Example only: During the month of April, the Blue Bracelet Company will donate $10 for each bracelet sold to TCAF.

If your promotion is approved, TCAF will work with your company to suggest appropriate disclosure language.  For more information about the BBB Standards (including Standard 19, which applies to cause-related marketing promotion disclosure), please visit BBB Standards for Charity Accountability ( 

Thank you again for interest in wanting to become a cause market partner with the Testicular Cancer Awareness Foundation.  Please complete the Cause Marketing Application by clicking "Become a Cause Marketing Partner!" Once we receive your proposal, we will contact you to discuss the review process and available options.